Friday, 8 January 2016

8th of January - Christmas holiday update

Hello again!

So this is the first blog post of 2016, in this blog post today I will be sharing with you all the updates I have done on my model and what I have done over the Christmas break when I had spare time.

So first things first, what have I been up to in the small amounts of spare time over the holiday? Well unfortunately I never got chance to actually sit down and work for a long amount of time on the model itself, so instead I decided to dedicate my time to researching the correct way of adding realistic muscle mass to my model.
In total I watched around 12 hours of videos detailing ways of adding muscle mass and I have been reading  Zbrush Digital Sculpting, Human Anatomy by Scott Spencer.

I started working on the model again on the 4th of January and I have been able to start my work on the muscle formation of my character. So far I have been working on the torso for around 5 hours a day from Monday (4th) until today (Friday 8th).

Here is my model as of today(8th January):

As you can see by the images above the muscle formation for the torso is coming along nicely, as a result of making my characters anatomy larger I also had to change his hands which I have also enlarged. 

When creating the muscle formation I increased the amount of polys from 1 million to close to 4 million so that I could add detail at an effective level, due to this the head of my model has lost some of its detail, therefore I will need to go back to the head at a later date to re-define its features and shape. 

The next steps of my model will be to add muscle depth and formation to the legs and feet of my model, because, as you can see, he now looks ridiculous, holding up that strong torso with those scrawny legs. 

I hope everyone reading this had a great Christmas and I look forward to continue working on this project into this new year.



  1. I find myself once again asking if you have plenty of reference images for the anatomy you're attempting to build. Even comparing your current model to the pictures of Nathan Drake from earlier blog posts you can see that you're missing the mark.

    Here's a comparison between your current anatomy and an actual person of similar-ish physique:

    I've scaled the image so that the head size is the same as your model, you can immediately see the differences in the height of the torso and how the underlying skeletal structure shows through at points.

    Your work should always be backed up by solid research, something that you have so far failed to show in all your posts.

    1. Hey Chris, my apologies for not replying to the other comment, I have a folder full of reference images, yes, which is growing every time I work on this project.

      In my proposal I stated that I was going to create a character that would fit in with the Uncharted universe, not Nathan Drake himself, which is why my character does not match up to Drake.

      I do see what you mean by your other points however, and I will be looking to rectify these next week.

      I am currently uploading a new blog post that see's the legs being enhanced along with some problems I encountered, however next week, when I upload my next blog post, I hope to address some of the points you have brought up.


