Tuesday, 6 October 2015

The skills I want to learn and develop further through this project.

Throughout this project I would like to expand my skills of 3D modelling and animation, but more importantly what skills do I want to really expand deeply into?

3D modelling

I would like to get better at 3D modelling as a whole, I see two ways of doing this effectively.

1.Research then practise, practise.. practice! 
The only way to get better at something that can be learned is to do ample research in the field you wish to learn and the practise. I want to be able create any and everything into a 3D model, from inanimate objects to gun wielding robot bipods, to do this I will research, I will reference and then I will do.

2. Learn your software.
The second way I see myself getting better at 3D modelling is by learning the software I am using to create 3D models inside and out, every nook and cranny of the software must be learn and understood to be able to make industry standard 3D models. As I learn more about the software the more I know how to create something in an effective way, making my models take less time and become a higher quality as a result.


Rigging is a part of the modelling and animation process that I have only had very slight hands on experience with, It involves creating a skeleton inside the mesh of a 3D model in order to then move the model effectively for animation.

Rigging is the skill I think I will need to learn the most in the course of this year as I do not know a lot about it.

Facial rigging

Facial rigging is a skill that I would also like to learn and improve upon, this is the one skill that I have not done at all, I have no experience in it whatsoever. I will have to start from square one with facial rigging and research and learn as I go along, which is something I am looking forward to, tackling something that I know very little about.


I think the main skill that I would need to improve on my animations as a whole is the timing of the animation. Timing in animation means everything, if a model is moving too slow or too fast it can ruin the feel of the entire animation.

When I have made animations in the past they either look like they are in slow motion or are at light speed, which doesn't look great when you are finished.
Timing is the main animation skill that I will be focusing on so that my animations look real and believable.

By learning and improving these skills over the course of the project I feel that I will be able to produce a high quality final project.


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